Why Troublemaker Kids Make Great Entrepreneurs: Things You Should Know

Millennials are often referred to as the “Troublemaker Generation” because of their rejection of traditional career paths, distrust of institutions, and willingness to stand up for what they believe in.

It turns out that this makes them particularly well-suited to succeed in business. The millennial generation has grown up in a time of great uncertainty. After emerging from the Great Recession, young people found themselves facing high student loan debt and an uncertain job market.

These factors have led many Millennials to reject traditional career paths in favor of more creative and independent opportunities. We compiled this list with the help of our network, you’ll find included a mix of experts, authors, and leaders who are all making waves in their respective industries.

Each of these individuals is at the forefront of a new movement where we take ownership over our careers, invest in ourselves rather than others, and reimagine how we can use business as a force for good.


Money is at the root of all great investments, and many of the more practical-minded millennials are drawn to entrepreneurship for this very reason. Many of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs are self-made millionaires who began by investing in themselves in order to build the skills and connections.

Entrepreneurship is a risky business, and not everyone is suited for the financial instability that comes with it.

Those who are money-focused are often drawn to entrepreneurship because they are comfortable with taking calculated financial risks. If you’re money-focused, you’re likely to succeed in entrepreneurship.

You’re comfortable taking on debt, taking financial risks, and not being afraid of going broke. You have a high likelihood of being able to manage your money well and make smart long-term decisions that will pay.


An entrepreneur’s success or failure often depends on a willingness to embrace risk, take calculated chances, and learn from mistakes. Because startups have a high failure rate.

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It’s important to prepare yourself psychologically for the possibility that your business might not succeed. You should be prepared for the possibility that you might lose some or all of your investment.

We recommend taking time to understand what it really takes to succeed in business and the cost. This means looking at the numbers, industry benchmarks, and the work that needs to go into your venture, even if it is passion-based. This can help you determine whether the opportunity is worth the risk.


Millennials are the most influential generation in history, and a large portion of that is due to the fact that they have grown up with technology at their fingertips and are able to expand their reach with it.

While many people use social media for self-promotion, millennials are able to use it to a much greater extent. They can leverage their online presence to generate a significant amount of publicity. This makes them particularly well-suited to succeed in entrepreneurship.

If you’re an influencer, you’re likely to succeed in entrepreneurship because you have the ability to quickly build a large and devoted audience. You’re likely to be effective in using marketing to build your company.

Ruthlessly Creative

Business owners are often described as “ruthlessly creative”, and the Millennial generation is no stranger to this idea. They are willing to take calculated risks to get ahead and make a name for themselves.

This ruthlessness is particularly valuable in entrepreneurship, where even the smartest, most calculated risks can still fail. Ruthlessness in creativity makes you more likely to succeed in entrepreneurship.

It gives you the ability to successfully pivot in your business. You’re also more likely to be able to identify and capitalise on lucrative trends.If ruthlessness in your creativity is your strengths you’re likely to succeed.

Because it gives you the ability to pivot in your business and capitalize on lucrative trends. You’re also more likely to be able to identify new markets or products where you can succeed.

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While many people have the skills necessary to succeed in business, they lack the perseverance it takes to actually get to the finish line in one piece. Successful entrepreneurs don’t give up even when the going gets tough, and the Millennial generation is particularly good at persisting through difficulty.

This makes them particularly well-suited to succeed in entrepreneurship because it gives them the ability to keep going. It also gives them the ability to learn from past mistakes in order to avoid making them in the future. If perseverance is one of your strengths, You’re also more likely to learn from past mistakes.

Have A Clear Vision

Many people jump into entrepreneurship without a clear vision, and it shows in their results. Entrepreneurs who have a clear vision for what they want to achieve are more likely to succeed than those who don’t.

This is because a clear vision gives you the ability to make smart, strategic decisions that are aligned with your goals. It also gives you the motivation to overcome challenges and the ability to learn from mistakes thanks to a strong sense of self-accountability.

If clarity of vision is one of your strengths, you’re likely to succeed in entrepreneurship because it gives you the ability to make smart decisions that are aligned with your goals. It also gives you the motivation to overcome challenges and the ability to learn from mistakes thanks to a strong sense of self-accountability.

Have Passion

One of the best ways to ensure that you succeed in a new career path is to choose something that you are deeply passionate about. Passion gives you the motivation to persevere through challenges.

Passion is particularly important in entrepreneurship because it gives you the motivation to persevere through challenges and the ability to learn from mistakes.

It also gives you the willingness to take risks and make sacrifices that others may be unwilling to make. If you have passion for your craft, you’re likely to succeed in entrepreneurship.

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It gives you the motivation to persevere through challenges and the ability to learn from mistakes. It also gives you the willingness to take risks and make sacrifices that others may be unwilling to make.

Have Basic Money Management Skills

Entrepreneurship can be a lucrative career path, but it is also one that requires a significant investment of time and money. You must have basic money management skills before you jump into entrepreneurship.

It will give you the ability to weather the inevitable financial storms that come with self-employment. Basic money management skills also give you the ability to make strategic decisions about your finances that are designed to maximise your earnings and minimise your debt.

If you have basic money management skills, you’re likely to succeed in entrepreneurship because it gives you the ability to weather the financial storms that come with self-employment. It gives you the ability to make strategic decisions about your finances that are designed to maximise your earnings and minimise your debt.


Confidence is one of the most powerful tools in any entrepreneur’s belt. Those with a strong sense of self worth are likely to succeed because they know what they’re capable of accomplishing.

Many of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs credit their success to a high degree of confidence. This makes them particularly well-suited to succeed in entrepreneurship, as an unwavering belief in yourself gives you the strength and determination necessary to succeed as an entrepreneur.

If confidence is one of your strengths, you’re likely to succeed in entrepreneurship because it gives you the strength and determination necessary to succeed as an entrepreneur. It also gives you the ability to weather setbacks and criticism without letting them discourage you.

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